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A Prayer for Holiness

Heavenly Father, I come before You today, seeking Your presence and grace in my life. You are holy and perfect in every way, and I long to be more like You. Help me to understand what holiness truly means and to live in a way that honours You. Your Word says, “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16), and I desire to follow this command. But I know that without Your help, I can do nothing. Please fill me with Your Spirit so I may walk in Your ways and grow holily each day.

Lord, I confess that I fall short daily. I ask for Your forgiveness for the times my pride has caused me to look down on others, my anger has led me to speak harshly, or my impatience has caused me to react without love. Cleanse me from these sins and anything else that keeps me from being close to You. Help me to turn away from sin and to live a life that pleases You.

I also ask You to help me in specific areas of my life. In my workplace, gives me the strength to act with integrity, especially when I’m tempted to cut corners or avoid difficult truths. Help me to remain honest and to reflect Your light, even when it’s hard. My relationships, especially with my family, help me to show patience and love. When I feel frustrated or short-tempered, remind me to respond with kindness and understanding.

Lord, I know that sin can be subtle, and there are times when I may ignore or minimize the things that separate me from You. Help me to see sin as You see it, not as something small, but as something that breaks Your heart. Forgive me for my jealousy when I see others succeed, for moments of envy or selfish ambition. Give me a pure heart and help me to desire what You desire.

Father, holiness is not just about avoiding sin, but also about pursuing what is good. Help me to seek out kindness, love, and truth in every aspect of my life. My friendships, show me how to be a source of encouragement and support. If there are relationships that are pulling me away from You, give me the courage to step back, even if it feels painful or lonely. I trust that You have something better for me.

Lord, I know that pursuing holiness often requires sacrifice. Help me let go of things that distract me from You, whether spending too much time on social media or chasing after material success. Remind me that true success is found in living according to Your will. When I am tempted to seek approval from the world, refocus my heart on seeking Your approval alone.

I also ask for Your help in the daily disciplines that draw me closer to You. Sometimes, when I am tired or overwhelmed, I struggle to find time for prayer and reading Your Word. Give me the strength and the discipline to seek You first, even when life feels busy. Let Your Word be a light for my path, guiding me in every decision and shaping my heart to be more like Christ’s.

Father, protect me from the enemy who seeks to lead me away from holiness. When I face temptation, help me to remember that I have victory in Christ. Guard my heart from lies and deceptions and give me the discernment to recognize when the enemy is at work. Help me to stand firm in my faith, putting on the full armour of God so that I can resist the enemy’s schemes.

I pray for Your church, that it would be a place of holiness and purity. Help us to encourage one another, to hold each other accountable with love, and to pursue You with our whole hearts. Let Your church stand strong in the face of temptation and compromise, and let us be a light in the darkness, pointing others to You.

Lord, I thank You for Your incredible patience with me. Though I fall short every day, You are always there to pick me up, forgive me, and help me continue on this journey toward holiness. Thank You for Your grace, which covers my mistakes and failures. Help me to rely on Your strength, not my own, as I seek to grow in holiness.

 I pray for a heart fully surrendered to You. I want to live a life dedicated to Your purposes, holding nothing back. Help me to trust You with every part of my life, my relationships, my work, my dreams, and my struggles. Let my life be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You (Romans 12:1). I ask that You use me, Lord, for Your glory, and that You help me to live in a way that honours Your name.

Thank You for hearing my prayer. I trust that You are at work in me, even when I cannot see it. I know that the journey toward holiness is lifelong, but I am confident that You will finish the good work You have started in me (Philippians 1:6). I give You all the praise and glory, for You alone are worthy.

In Jesus' name, I pray.




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